
I offer a range of mediation options proportionate to the size and complexity of your dispute.

What is it?

Arbitration is a procedure for the resolution of disputes outside the courts. The parties to a dispute refer it to Arbitration by a neutral third party (the “Arbitrator”), and agree to be bound by the arbitration decision (the “award“). The Arbitrator reviews the evidence in the case and imposes a decision that is legally binding on both sides and enforceable in the courts.

Arbitration is regulated by the Arbitration Act 1996. However the procedure has much more flexibility than court proceedings and the parties themselves can agree much of the framework of rules governing the Arbitration. This means that the procedure can be tailored to the size of the claim and its subject matter, so that the process can be much faster and cheaper than court proceedings.

One major advantage of arbitration over court proceedings is that it is a confidential process.

My Approach

As a Solicitor-Advocate and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, I offer to act as Arbitrator in a wide range of disputes, including contract disputes between businesses, professional services, consumer disputes and property-related disputes. I will only accept appointments in disputes which I consider are commensurate with my skill sets. In all cases my aim is to provide a straightforward procedure – proportionate to the value of the claim – which delivers a high quality decision on the facts and law applicable to the dispute. Speed of resolution together with fair and proportionate fees are a priority.

The Cost

My fee for arbitration is based on an hourly rate, currently £125 per hour. In addition I charge expenses at cost. My fee is also subject to VAT at the standard rate.

The Next Step

If you are considering referring your dispute to Arbitration, contact me now.

Further Guidance

There is a lot of helpful information on the internet but here is a good place to start:

Get In Touch

Please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation initial chat.


Phone: +44 (0) 300 1245545

My professional standards are high; with a mediation settlement rate of 90% and excellent feedback my results speak for themselves. Please explore my site, and if you would like to talk to me about your dispute on a confidential basis, please call me now, or email me.

I look forward to hearing from you.